Friday, April 06, 2012

China Glaze Haute Metal.

Good Morning and Happy Easter!!

   Yup I got into the crackle trend again, lol! I had to have one of these beauties in my collec, plus they were on sale at Sally's. And I cannot say no to a sale! This is Haute Metal, a gorgeous pink crackle foil.  I added thinner like a madwoman, cause I hate thick crackle, one coat of WNW Lavender Creme as a base, one of HM and one of FP Sparkle Top Coat.  I love the effect that the sparkle top coat gives. What do you guys think?

All products listed on my blog, were bought with my own money, unless stated otherwise. No spam please, all spam that include links to blogs will be deleted. When someone comments, their names are clickable and that link itself takes me to your profile on blogger. If you want me to read your blog, please email me at:


  1. Every time I see these metal crackles I put one in my basket and then always take it out while I'm checking out for some reason.. Now I feel like I need one (or two or three) lol!

  2. Heh heh! I can never say no to sales either. This mani looks so grungy. Very cool! :)

    1. Thxs! I know right? It has a rocker thingy going on, lol! I never say no to a sale! :-D

  3. I like the way this looks over a similar color - nice!

  4. How easy is it to remove?? i am always nervous to use glitters because I have such a hard time removing it.. is this one difficult? or pretty easy?


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